27 Sep

More than ever, office interior design has become an integral part of the success of a business. Every passing year, new technologies emerge and new trends are adopted in office spaces across the world. These constant changes results in new and exciting office design design opportunities with businesses investing in improving their workplaces by hiring an interior design and renovation company in Singapore.

The world of workplace design always has something to surprise us with every year and it’s in no way different this 2019. For the past few years, our team of interior design consultants in Singapore has looked at emerging office design trends - and with that, here’s what we think are trends that are here to stay.

Experience-Driven Spaces 

The world of office interior design has gradually shifted from a focus on functionality and maximising accommodating capacity to creating experience-design spaces where employees can feel happy, can work productively, and more importantly, where they can feel valued and appreciated.

Spaces as such has become so in-demand that the term workplace experience has become a commonly-used phrase. What this means for office interior design in Singapore is that businesses now put more emphasis in refining the details of an interior design in a way that puts emphasis into how it will engage the staff on a regular basis. It can mean anywhere from as simple as to upgrading the qualities of comfort rooms to adding spaces like yoga studios, game areas, and entertainment rooms to name a few.

Although incorporating direct experiences into business spaces has become a practice in industries such as retail and hospitality, it has now also been crucial to the success of offices and will continue to be so for many years to come.

The Old Meets New Trend 

This trend isn’t exactly new but is certainly gaining more traction in 2019 and for more years to come. Beyond merely adding a nod to the past through the use of old furniture, the trend also focuses on making the most out of older buildings and spaces and bringing new life into them.

Because the cyclical nature of trends and fads in interior design is well-documented, it’s easy to determine what’s falling out of favour and what’s rising once again to popularity, It makes this trend effortless to apply. Nevertheless, the results are a seamless balance of the old and the new, with spaces moving towards the future while maintaining its strong connection to the past.

Some examples of this trend is the use of antique and weathered textures with modern accents such as glass and metals, and other modern office equipment.

There are many other trends that businesses are integrating into their offices today. But, we think these are the two that enjoy the most attention today.

 Do you have any other trend you think will stay in popularity beyond 2019? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment!

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