22 Nov

Whether you’re designing a residential interior or doing landed property renovation in Singapore, we all want beautiful spaces that fit our needs. For residential interiors, though, it might be a bit more straightforward because most of the project revolves around fulfilling the client’s specific spatial requirements and aesthetic preferences. But renovating or designing commercial spaces can be a little more tricky.

That’s because commercial interior design in Singapore involves more than the clients’ personal preferences. Commercial projects require one to take into account the needs of their customers, the working environment of their employees, marketing strategies and opportunities, and so much more.

You don’t need to make your space a modern luxury interior design project in Singapore, but you do need to be careful about how you handle your project. Owners of commercial spaces will always have a hand in renovation projects, but there are some common mistakes that you can make that an interior designer or renovator might fail to catch. 

Here are some examples of commercial renovation mistakes in Singapore that you can make.

1. Not evaluating the property condition carefully. You might think this is an unimportant first step, but you’d be wrong. If you leave this up to the last minute, you might encounter unforeseen issues that might be harder to solve in the middle of your project.

2. Not consulting your employees. Are you doing renovations or updates to a current commercial space? Don’t hesitate to call a meeting with your employees to brainstorm on what your new commercial space needs. Oftentimes, they’re more aware of the issues your space has.

3. Hiring the wrong people for the job. Before you ask your interior design company for a quote or estimate, make sure you did a full background check on them.

Starry Homestead is an interior design firm specialising in Scandinavian interior design projects and more in Singapore. Contact us to know more about how we can transform your space into something truly special. 



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