14 Jul

Flooring completes the interior design of a home. It is the first physical contact of your visitors, plus it enhances the visual appeal of a place. That’s why most interior designers like to give importance to flooring. With the multiple options, first-time homeowners may find it hard to decide whether to choose tile, carpet, wood flooring or vinyl flooring in Singapore

Allow this article to help you with flooring that will suit your preference.

  1. Consider Your Lifestyle and Personality

When looking for flooring, consider your personality, preferences and lifestyle. It will complement your overall living environment. Plus, you can also use it to enhance furnishing, appliances and balcony decking at your home in Singapore. 

  1. Be Consistent With the Style

Your home should look consistent and cohesive. For sure, you wouldn't want to give off a different vibe when you move from your living room to the kitchen. To do this, decide on the flooring for the whole plan. You can go for vinyl sheet or wood flooring in Singapore to maintain consistency. 

  1. Pick Your Preferred Colour

Colour influences your mood. Hence, look for a colour you prefer for your living room, kitchen, balcony decking, etc. Do you like a darker vinyl sheet in Singapore? Or maybe you want a lighter wood flooring? Well, it depends on how colour impacts your mood

  1. Maintenance

Before you make a final decision, you should also know the maintenance process. If you have more time at home, you can choose floorings that are high maintenance. If you’re busy, you can opt for low maintenance floorings. Better yet, ask professionals whether to choose vinyl flooring or wood flooring. 

  1. Budget

Lastly, you need to consider your budget. How much money can you cover for the floorings? If you keep this in mind, you can ensure to find suitable floorings, such as vinyl sheet and wood flooring, for your lifestyle and budget.

Transform your home with floorings from Moods Floor in Singapore. Contact them to know if vinyl flooring, wood flooring or vinyl sheet are applicable for your home.


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