14 Jul

Apart from choosing a reputable office renovation contractor, managers also value the quality of the new office furniture they will purchase during office remodelling. After all, comfort is a huge factor that impacts the productivity and health of the employees. That is why it is essential to select a suitable ergonomic office chair in Singapore for your employees, or else your staff will suffer from the following complications: 

  1. Poor Posture

Office staff and even managers spend more than six hours sitting in the same office chair. This setup alone affects the posture already. An uncomfortable chair only worsens this condition. Employees may feel neck, shoulder, lower back, and hip pain. A comfortable and dynamic, ergonomic chair provides posture support and muscular movement. 

  1. Poor Blood Circulation

Apparently, our body has poor blood circulation when seated in an uncomfortable chair. The blood cannot flow properly if the body, neck, shoulder, neck, and legs are not adjusted correctly. Apart from providing comfort, an ergonomic office chair in Singapore can be set according to the person's height, maintaining the proper posture and blood flow. 

  1. Weight Gain

Although an uncomfortable chair is not the sole culprit for weight gain, it can still contribute. Sitting for a long period of time in an inappropriate chair without stretching and exercise gains and stores more fat around the belly area. Employers can choose an ergonomic chair with enough room for muscle movement and stretches. 

  1. Stress and Fatigue

If employees are seated in an uncomfortable chair, they may be more irritable due to the constant body pain they experience while working. Irritability only leads to stress and fatigue. A dynamic, ergonomic office chair in Singapore reduces stress and fatigue.

  1. Decrease in Productivity

Employees become more productive and efficient when using a comfortable ergonomic office chair. Less pain and less distraction mean happier employees. 

Are you looking for a reputable office renovation contractor? Okamura is committed to providing superior and effective ergonomic office furniture in Singapore. Visit Okamura today.


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