15 Jun

You must be thinking of maximising your investment when you had that wood flooring installed at your home in Singapore. Well, maintaining it clean is one of the steps to give it a long life! Try it with these simple steps!

  1. Get the right cleaning tools

When you get a new car you would not rely on just one cloth to clean it, you take it to the best car wash to have it cleaned. This goes the same for your wood flooring! Thus, you should get quality cleaning materials such as microfibre dust mops and the likes.

  1. Make a natural cleaning mixture

Homemade cleaning mixtures have circulated the internet for a while and they can be really helpful! A lot would suggest mixing warm water and dish soap to use as a cleaning agent when you want to scrub small sections of your wood flooring imported from Singapore! It works with vinyl flooring as well.

  1. Divide it into sections

It is crucial that you remain organised when cleaning your flooring to have a consistent finish. Thus, it is suggested that you divide your cleaning process into small sections. This would allow you to see every nook and corner of your flooring that needs attention!

  1. Do not use oils, waxes, or furniture sprays

You might be enticed by the way they smell but you have to know that oils leave a residue that can cause slippery accidents. Moreover, waxes would take a chunk of your time to apply it while furniture sprays are not meant to be applied to your hardwood flooring made in Singapore.

  1. Avoid cleaning agents that have harmful chemicals

Before you buy a bottle of cleaner, check or read what is inside the bottle. Some chemicals can dull and even scratch the protective layer of your wood flooring. Thus, avoid ones that have ammonia, alkaline, or any chemicals that are considered abrasive.

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