20 Jan

You want your home to look its very best.  But for someone who doesn’t have a keen eye for detail, it can be a bit difficult to know if a space looks good or not, and how to make it look better. That’s where home interior design comes in-- what is interior design?

History of interior design
Interior design as a concept didn’t start gaining traction until very recently. In the past, it was just a way of distinguishing the decoration of rooms or spaces in a sensible manner, and that definition differed from person to person. Interior design evolved into something more when people started paying attention to how beautiful rooms and spaces can be conducive to a good atmosphere.  Now, it’s highly regarded, with both businesses and homes having the interiors of their spaces be artfully and thoughtfully styled.

In Singapore, interior design is a fact of life. An urbanized, well-designed city cannot function without good interior design. And on a more personal level, interior design is also used to make your homes more beautiful, too.

Interior design secrets
It’s more often that interior design is handled by companies that know what they’re doing, but even the common person can benefit from knowing a few tips about interior design. Let’s take a look at some tips you can try out!

  1. Make the most out of your spaces. People so often forget the human touch. Draw on your walls, paint your room, decorate with something that speaks out to you and defines you.
  2. Reusing objects you already own. Don’t just buy willy-nilly. You never know what fabulous pieces work well when reused.
  3. Invest in good antique furniture and decor. These are timeless pieces that only get better with age. The higher price is worth it.

If you would like to know more about how you can have a beautiful interior design for your home, why not contact our team of experts at Weiken, an interior design firm in Singapore? We have an extensive portfolio of beautiful interior design plans that we have done for all sorts of clients. Browse our site to see our past projects and contact us to make your dream home a reality.


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