18 Jan

Have you decided to join some trade shows and exhibition events? If yes, then you should not forget to prepare an event carpet! Look for something that does not just look good, but it should also become a tool that could help promote the brand. 

Here are some helpful tips on how to choose an event carpet in Singapore: 

  • Consider Printed Carpeting

Using printed carpets is one effective strategy to boost your brand. Fortunately, many carpet suppliers offer printed carpeting as one of their services. Another way you can use printed carpets is by including images that are associated with your brand.   

  • Take into account the Staff’s Comfort

A comfortable event carpet is a must in trade shows. Something plush and soft. Even though it may cost you more, just think of it as an investment for future events. Remember that your employees’ comfort should be your priority as they would be the one entertaining the attendees. 

  • Use Different Carpet Colours for Navigation

It would be better to choose carpet suppliers in Singapore that have different carpet products. Doing this allows you to buy carpets in different colours. Use them to create a streamlined navigational path in your display booth. It will ensure that all of your displays will be viewed at. 

  • Make Space Look Bigger with Light-Coloured Carpets 

If the space given to you is quite small, then you may create an illusion of a bigger space using light-coloured carpets. Utilise them well to make your display booth more appealing to the attendees of the event. 

  • Know The Installation Process

Setting up your booth may take some time, so you have to choose an event carpet that is easy to install.  It will make the preparations less stressful for you and your staff. 

If you have any trouble choosing an event carpet, then just refer back to this guide!. Since you are already looking for such carpets, check out the products of The Mill International! Aside from event carpets, they also have sports flooring in Singapore.



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