19 Mar

An efficient layout of an office is essential in increasing the productivity of the employees and mood-lifting. An office should be well-maintained, organised, and strategically mapped to maximise the office and employee's efficiency, flexibility and productivity. Otherwise, your office will not be a happy place to be productive and operational. 

Many companies in Singapore know the importance of an effective workspace. That is why smart interior office designs have been trending in the country for the last years. Some invest in commercial office renovation to adapt to these trends.

The 5 Signs That You Need A Commercial Office Renovation

  1.  Outdated Office Layout and Equipment

If your office still uses that old mahogany office desk in Singapore, it is an indication that you need an office renovation. Compared to old office furniture, modern furniture today has smart designs to incorporate functionality, space-saving and style all at once. 

Modern office furniture such as office desk in Singapore is flexible and has an adjustable shape to fit any kind of use. There are also moveable office cubicles which are advantageous quality, especially offices with limited space.Aside from the furniture and equipment, the office layout itself should be effective. The strategic placing of rooms and areas is needed to improve and utilise foot traffic in the office. 

  1.  Negative Impression From Clients

For clients or applicants alike, your office's interior gives the first and last impression. Your office look is somehow a reflection of how you manage your employees and the kind of quality you give to your service and products. A disorganised office often gives a negative impression from people who visit your office, be it a client or an applicant.

If your client keeps on insisting to arrange a meeting anywhere but your office, it is a sign that your client feels unwelcome in the office. 

  1.  Decrease in Productivity

It has been proven that the interior design of an office affects productivity and the mood of your employees. When it comes to visiting an office, Millennials and Gen Z employees look forward to seeing the interior design.

The interior design of an office is more than just an aesthetic. A relaxing, functional and motivational office layout and design reduce the stress level and elevate the employees’ mood. 

  1.  Doesn't Reflect The Brand Image

If your company boasts creativity and aesthetic, your office should also reflect that. Besides your company logo, mantra, mission and vision, your office design also carries your brand.Office design does not only mean the equipment and the interior but also includes the culture, spirit and practice within the company.

  1.  Cluttered Office

As the business grows, a lot of things and people need to fit in your workplace. If your office becomes cluttered and seems to be crowded, you either renovate your office, buy a space-saving office chair in Singapore or expand your workspace.

Whether you buy a space-saving office chair in Singapore or relocate to a bigger place, sufficient office space should always be maintained to ensure smooth foot traffic. It is also essential, especially during disaster and emergency. 

The 5 Factors To Consider Before Commercial Office Renovation

  1. Objective

The first thing is to set the objective of office renovation. Is it to improve aesthetics? To improve functionality? Is it for repairs and replacements? 

Setting clear goals will help you form a more concrete office renovation plan that addresses all the needs of the office.

  1. Employees

Your employees' insights should also be taken and considered when creating a new office layout. They know the office well and its faults. Not only have you identified the faults of the older office layout, but also improved and increased the morale of your employees by validating their opinions and concerns.

  1. Timeline

One of the most important parts of the renovation is the timeline. A well-scheduled renovation is vital for the operations of the office. 

Office renovations can take months, and being able to use only a portion of your office space during the remodelling and construction period limits the efficiency and productivity of the employees.

  1. Space

Many companies relocate employees during an office renovation to prevent operational disruption. Others calculate and utilise the remaining space in the office for temporary use, while the other portion of the office is being remodelled and renovated. 

  1. Budget

There are lots of factors that affect the budget of a commercial office renovation. It can be the materials that are going to be used, the area, system and other equipment upgrade and so on. For companies that have a limited budget, renovation is done section by section.


Are you planning to give your office a new and improved look? Okamura has been providing high-quality and efficient office interior space planning service in many offices in Singapore.

Okamura gives award-winning designs that foster business growth, promote positive office culture and nurture employee potential. Contact Okamura today.

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